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blog talks about resources

Java 21: So How Should We Construct Strings Now?

Java 21 brings in a lot of cool features, and one of them is the preview of String Templates*. While it serves more purposes than just classic String interpolation, for us Java developers, it’s yet another way to concatenate Strings in a “proper” way...

static final what?

I accidentally discovered something interesting about constant fields in Java, so I decided to share it here in a short article. When we need to create a constant field in Java, we somehow automatically use this conventional construction...

invokedynamic in GraalVM native image: how is it possible?

GraalVM has this really cool feature: you can build a native executable from your Java, Scala, or other application. Your application becomes lighter, starts super quickly, it’s more performant, and you don’t need a JVM to run it on your machine...

Java 20 Pattern Matching for Switch: What’s Under the Hood?

Pattern matching for switch statements and expressions has evolved as the latest releases unveiled. We can already play with the most exciting changes, such as pattern guards and record patterns, in the Java 19 and 20 preview versions...

JVM bytecode instructions explained

In the first part, we discussed the bytecode and some parts that it contains, namely debug information and constant pool. In this part, we will discuss the bytecode execution. Below is the example Java class and the verbose javap output of its bytecode. Our main focus will be on the Code section of the main method...

JVM bytecode: introduction

Recently, I had a chance to dive deeper into the JVM bytecode than I was ever expecting. It took me tons of documentation, articles, Stack Overflow topics, and bytecode listings to gain some understanding of the JVM internals. Generating my own bytecode and making a lot of mistakes also was a very insightful experience 😀.

How to start contributing to OSS

Many of us, software engineers, at some point in time decide that we would like to get involved with an open-source project. Many of us indeed become contributors, but it’s not always clear where to start and how to find a project that would be a perfect match. For some years these questions were holding me back from starting, and I thought that possibly I’m not the only one. So I decided to share my experience and hopefully it saves you some time or frees you of unnecessary frustrations...

The tale about Hibernate and temporal tables

Earlier this year, I was involved in solving an issue on a project that was using Hibernate + Envers and Microsoft SQL Server as the database. The choice of database was mainly driven by a project requirement to have history...

When Hibernate caching can go wrong

It all started from us trying to setup Hibernate ehcache in our big project with a lot of entities to improve the performance. Eventually that took a lot of time because we ran into a bunch of issues...